Moravian Florist

Moravian Florist

Posted by moravianflorist on June 11, 2015 Father's Day Holidays

How to Celebrate Dad This Father’s Day

Father's Day
Families celebrate Father’s Day in many ways today with activities as varied as backyard barbecues to special dinners at local restaurants. Arriving on the third Sunday in June each year, Father’s Day was once a humble holiday celebrated in just a handful of towns around the United States, but it eventually spread across the world. Father’s Day gifts from help bring joy and enthusiasm to any celebration.

Families celebrate Father’s Day in many ways today with activities as varied as backyard barbecues to special dinners at local restaurants. Arriving on the third Sunday in June each year, Father’s Day was once a humble holiday celebrated in just a handful of towns around the United States, but it eventually spread across the world. Father’s Day gifts from Moravian Florist help bring joy and enthusiasm to any celebration.

Who Celebrated Father’s Day First?

Much like the creation of Mother’s Day, historians believe that the holiday was conceived as a way to honor a father who had recently passed away. First observed in the early 20th century in West Virginia, Father’s Day would eventually expand to other communities around the nation.

Another early celebration was held in 1910 in Spokane, Washington at the local YMCA there, and this was likely the first time the holiday was celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Father’s Day was an unofficial holiday for many decades, but it would see national acceptance and be given official status as a holiday in the late 1960s.

Interestingly, some members of Congress introduced a bill as early as 1913 to officially recognize Father’s Day, but there was some pushback that an official holiday would introduce commercialism into the celebration. For many years after that bill, Father’s Day was observed as an informal day of celebration on the calendar.

Father's Day

Hot Off the Grill

Honoring Dad This Year

From goofy hand-draw cards from the kids to yummy gourmet baskets full of cookies and chocolate, virtually nothing’s off limits when it comes to celebrating Father’s Day. Dads love the traditional gift of aftershave and a tie, and they also love fun gadgets and electronics like cameras, drones, and video consoles.

Families of all types can honor fathers today including spending the day remembering a dearly departed dad, or celebrating the life of a man who will shortly experience the birth of his first child. There are no set rules when it comes to celebrating Father’s Day, and everything from some sports equipment to a bouquet in a grill is suitable.

Here’s a fun idea: If you’re not close enough to your dad for Father’s Day to see him in person, you might try making a video recording of yourself as your gift. If you only see one another once a year during the winter holidays because you live hours apart, your dad will love seeing a video greeting this year, wishing him a Happy Father’s Day.